Title of the article Anti-Corruption and Anti-Legalization Role of the General Prosecutor’s Office of Ukraine Through the Prism of International Standards
Doctor of Law, Professor, Director of the Academy of Financial Monitoring
Journal Scientific theoretical and practical journal
“Journal of the National Prosecution Academy of Ukraine”
Issue 4/1’2018
Pages [41–47]
Abstract This article explores the role of the General Prosecutor’s Office of Ukraine and its activities through the prism of international standards. A number of scientific literatures have been analyzed and the main international organizations in the sphere of combating money laundering and combating corruption have been reviewed, as well as positive obligations of the state to them have been highlighted. The author provided statistical materials for a better understanding of the activities of the Prosecutor General’s Office of Ukraine, indicated problems of interaction between the GPU and other law enforcement agencies and courts, and suggested ways to improve the situation.
Keywords anti-corruption; anti-money laundering; international standards; MONEYVAL; FATF; law enforcement agencies.
1. FATF (2012–2018) International Standards on Combating Money Laundering and the Financing of Terrorism & Proliferation, FATF, Paris, France. URL: www.fatf-gafi.org/recommendations.html (in English).
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